8 Mini Rituals to Celebrate Lion’s Gate on 8/8

8 Mini Rituals to Celebrate Lion’s Gate on 8/8

I had no idea what was coming for me.

3 Years Later: Happy Baddie-versary to Me! 🥳

Remind me… What’s Lion’s Gate again?

8 Rituals for Making Magic on 8/8

Ready to turn up the heat? Here are 8 rituals for making magic this Lion’s Gate.

  1. Get Generous. The most powerful way to attract more abundance into your life is to be abundance. Give freely of your time, love, attention, and resources. Get out into the world and share your blessings, knowing abundance is circular (and tipping is a sacred act 😉).
  2. Get in the sun! This portal wants us to recharge under the warmth of the sun’s rays. It is soft girl summer after all… So what better way to celebrate than with a solo date in the backyard on your softest outdoor blanket with your journal and happy beverage of choice?
  3. Heart Art. Lion’s Gate is all about returning to the heart center and living in more coherence with our inner magnetism. Play around with abstract art—painting, collaging, flower arranging—using the prompt, “What does my heart want to say today?”
  4. Self Channeling. This is a time to give voice to your heart, practice sacred self-expression, and speak your manifestations out into the world! Practice channeled writing or voice memo-ing yourself to let your intuition come through with no particular agenda or attachment to the outcome.
  5. Meditation & Reflection. Use this time to connect to your more cosmic self through meditation, journey work, or reflection. Notice what themes come up and what manifestations want to emerge from the heart space.
  6. Sweat! Drop into the body and get moving—whether that’s through a long hot girl walk around the block or your favorite cardio workout. Feel yourself moving towards your highest timeline as you do!
  7. Make Glamour Magic. Leo energy is anything but shy, honey! Adorn yourself in colors that honor the season—golds, yellows, reds, whites—and feel your radiance expand as you do. Bonus points for sharing a #sacredthirsttrap to the ‘gram or your besties group chat.
  8. Connect to your intuition through crystals or cards. Work with sun-loving crystals like rose quartz, citrine, and pyrite to supercharge your intentions. Break out your Tarot or oracle decks and pull cards to gain clarity into your manifestations, and ask your Spirit Guides for guidance and direction on this auspicious spiritual day.