Kamala Harris’s Birth Chart

Kamala Harris’s Birth Chart

The 2024 Democratic National Convention has begun in Chicago, and Kamala Harris will be named the official Democratic nominee for President of the United States. Letโ€™s take a look at her birth chart to get to know her a little better and perhaps better understand some of her strengths and weaknesses as a presidential candidate.

Sun in Libra in the 5th House


  • A charming personality, outgoing, chatty, friendly, and has a magnetic energy
  • Always put together and presentable, which can make her a great spokesperson
  • Inclusive, diplomatic, balanced at her very best
  • Capable of holding opposing viewpoints, seeing all sides, and helping others find common ground
  • A strong sense of justice, which can make her a strong defender of the defenseless and an active participant in social justice movements 
  • Capable of building solid, lasting peace 
  • Capable of really thoughtful, healthy confrontation when she is grounded and self-confident
  • May shine the most in one on one interactions with others and when building personal connections with individuals
  • May also shine the most on stage, with a platform, and especially where she can be more authentic, silly, and playful, like on talk-shows or in personal interviews


  • Libra Suns can be so adaptive, malleable, and accommodating in an effort to be supportive and likable that sometimes people can suspect them of being inauthentic or even manipulative  
  • Could get stuck in some black and white thinking on the path to justice and equality 
  • Could struggle with conflict avoidance
  • Could become overly focused on her public appearance and reception, or too caught up in trying to be liked by everyone, causing her to lose sight of her passions, goals, and purpose
  • Libra Suns can struggle with people-pleasing in an attempt to maintain peace and harmony, which could also cause her to lose sight of herself and her mission during the campaign or while in office

Moon in Aries in the 11th House


  • Can be great at launching new goals and projects and taking quick, decisive actions when needed
  • She is smart, confident, assertive, bold, honest, direct, and likely has a strong sense of self
  • Can make a great leader who lifts others up and helps advocate for the underdog, helps others find their own sense of self-authority
  • She is likely motivated by excitement, novelty, competition, and risk and might thrive in the high energy, high drama, high demand world of politics
  • She has a core need to be involved in community, humanitarianism, revolution
  • The Aries Moon could help balance out any challenges or weaknesses of the Libra Sun, and vice versa


  • Could be hot-headed, quick-tempered, or overly emotional, especially when feeling vulnerable or attacked
  • Could be impulsive and may be too motivated by risk, excitement, or anger
  • May be prone to quick emotional reactions, causing some unpredictability in her behavior
  • Her honesty and directness could get her into trouble when mixed with impulsive emotions, as she could speak without forethought
  • She could struggle to finish things she starts or see things through to completion
  • The President needs to be available and focused at all times, which could conflict with her needs for independence, alone time, and new hobbies
  • She could be overly judgmental of weakness or sentimentality in others, and may struggle to accept her own vulnerabilities

Rising in Gemini


  • Strong communication and negotiation skills
  • A gregarious, friendly, witty, intelligent, curious, and open-minded personality
  • The Gift of Gab, the ability to instantly connect with and learn from others
  • Her curiosity may give her endless drive and a youthful energy
  • Excellent fact collector, facilitator, connection builder, idea-generator, and problem-solver
  • Can be a really good listener, can connect the dots easily and keep a lot in mind at once
  • Engaging with and learning from individuals and local communities as she travels on the campaign trail or while in office could strengthen her ability to lead well
  • Her North Node is conjunct her Rising, so this curious, intelligent self is who she is meant to be and where she can accomplish the most in her life


  • Could be seen as a little two-faced, especially with the Libra Sun, as she could seem like different people in different situations (often caused by her own emotional reactions or insecurities rather than by malice or manipulation)
  • Can say a whole lot of nothing, may be able to talk the talk but not always walk the walk
  • Can lose sight of the bigger picture and become hyper focused on the details
  • Can get stuck in the thought and planning process rather than taking action

Midheaven in Pisces


  • A strong desire for purpose and meaning in her career, and a desire to make an impact on a large scale through her work
  • Able to encourage peace, cooperation, compassion, and community through her career and public image
  • A strong sense of intuition and a strong inner compass to guide her decisions
  • She has a strong sense of dedication and is meant to work in a role where she is of service
  • She can be very flexible and adaptable, while the Virgo stellium opposite her Midheaven helps to bring more practicality to and helps ground her public image and career performance


  • Could lose sight of the details in the big picture, and her public image could become vague and ungrounded
  • Her emotions could be particularly present and active in her work and career
  • Could struggle with some indecisiveness
  • She may mostly work through her intuition and might resist defining her career path and goals, which could make her come off as mysterious and make it hard for others to understand her plans, causing her to be easily misunderstood

Mercury in Scorpio in the 5th House (Her Chart Ruler)


  • Very quick-witted, intelligent, and sharp
  • Can pull from a deep well of wisdom, knowing, and understanding as she formulates ideas
  • Able to transform her communication style to meet the needs of the audience
  • Comes off as very confident and reliable when she speaks, like she knows what she is talking about
  • Shines the most on stage, in the spotlight, and when she can be a little playful
  • Has a deep sense of self-power and strength when she can maintain level-headedness and can stay emotionally regulated


  • Her snappiness can make others distrustful of her or afraid to confront her, which could be an asset around opponents but could be an obstacle for constructive criticism
  • Her Moon is opposite her Mercury, so she may be easily drawn into verbal conflict by her emotions, and her sharp tongue and wittiness mixed with those impulsive emotions could cause her to be overly harsh or mean and regret what she says

Mars in Leo in the 3rd House


  • A fighting spirit and a passionate energy
  • Flair and artistry in her actions and choices
  • Her Mars opposite her Saturn in Aquarius grounds her actions in a desire to make history, to make great change, and to make quantifiable progress


  • Could be hot-headed and take impulsive action
  • Could be mostly motivated by short-term results
  • Could be distracted by focusing on how she is being perceived by others
  • May be overly focused on herself and what she personally wants, rather than what the collective wants or needs

Venus in Virgo in the 4th House


  • Her personal needs and desires are practical and very grounded in reality
  • At her most true, confident, vulnerable and grounded self, she is incredibly reliable and capable of getting things done and doing them well
  • She is most magnetic when she presents herself as someone who has a plan, who can get shit done, who is focused on building solid foundations for others, and who is of service to others
  • Her Venus is conjunct her Uranus and Pluto in Virgo, which gives her a deep well of power and revolutionary energy to draw from as she accomplishes her goals
  • Her values align with feminine ideals and rights, and despite not having children of her own, she is capable of empathizing deeply with and fighting for the wellbeing of women, children, and families


  • This is a really strong placement for her, but since it is in her 4th House of home, family, roots and personal life, and opposite her 10th House of public life and career, it could be hard for her to share this part of herself with the world and could feel very vulnerable
  • Her Venus in Virgo is also forming a square angle with her Rising, making it even more challenging to find balance in herself between this inner power and her outward persona. The more she leans into it, however, the stronger of a candidate she will become.

Chiron in Pisces in the 10th House


  • A powerful ability to encourage compassion and selflessness in others, and to teach others vulnerability and love
  • The Virgo stellium opposite her Chiron in Pisces can help her root into that inner strength, avoid feeling triggered by her Chiron, and embrace her vulnerable, loving, compassionate, and connected self
  • Chiron in the 10th House can make someone overly focused on their career to the detriment of their personal relationships โ€“ while this could be a challenge for her in her personal life, it really is what we ask for from a President


  • Power struggles and โ€œbad pressโ€ could really trigger her Chiron wound and make her pull away from the spotlight
  • She has the ability to be deeply compassionate and sensitive, but may have been hurt so many times by doing that in the past that she no longer embraces those aspects of herself
  • When triggered, her Chiron wound could make her feel really isolated from others and ungrounded, losing her sense of compassion and her motivation to help others


Harrisโ€™s strongest assets lie in her abilities to connect with others, speak and act from a place of both wisdom and curiosity, and cultivate peace and progress. It will be important that she prioritizes her emotional regulation, especially during confrontations, and resists the urge to fixate on her public image or react impulsively to criticism or attacks. Showing us her determination and ability to get things done will be one of the most important things she can do during her campaign. If she can hold onto her sense of self and root deeply in that innate power that she holds, she can work with her emotions and intuition and communicate her goals, plans, and purpose more effectively. The Universe is inviting her to play a role in the revolution, and if she can hold onto who she is at her best, she is certainly capable of making important change and progress.

Interested in having your birth chart read? Book a reading with Maggie at egressastrology.com!