Decoding Your Midheaven

Decoding Your Midheaven

The Midheaven, also called the Medium Coeli (โ€œmiddle of the skyโ€) or โ€œMCโ€, is the point of your chart at the cusp of your 10th House. Astronomically, it is the highest point on the ecliptic (aka the path the Sun takes around the Earth every day) at the moment of your birth. This point is determined by your exact birth time, just like your Rising Sign.

As the cusp of your 10th House and the highest point in your chart, the Midheaven can be considered your personal career coach. It can show you the themes and activities that you would excel at in your career. It represents who you are at your best in your work, as well as how you are seen in a work environment and in your public image.

You are pre-determined to excel at your Midheaven skills, but they will often require you to stretch out of your comfort zone a bit, learn more or refine your natural abilities, and provide endless opportunities for more growth, learning, and improvement. Working with these skills and in a career aligned with your Midheaven can feel deeply meaningful, fulfilling, and endlessly rewarding. 

Your Midheaven sign can indicate:

  • Your most fulfilling and successful careers
  • Your highest ambitions
  • What work will bring you the most public attention, recognition, or praise
  • What qualities or characteristics the public might perceive in you
  • The services you are meant to provide to others in this lifetime
  • The kind of impact you can have on the world and the areas in which you can enact the greatest positive change
  • The energy you need to channel in order to accomplish your big career milestones, goals and dreams
  • Your soulโ€™s big missions, purposes, end goals, or the jobs or responsibilities you have in this lifetime
  • What you might prioritize in your career but also in any public, community, or civic service you provide
  • How you view and define success in your career and personal life
  • What legacy you want to leave behind and what you want to be remembered for

Your Midheaven and 10th House can also represent how you grow into in the process of โ€œadultingโ€, as well as your relationship with authority figures, your dominant parent, your patriarchal lineage and influences, and where and how you might rewrite ancestral stories of power or authority in your lineage.

Bonus tip:

To learn more about how you can bring these innate cosmic gifts down into this physical, earthly realm, look to the planetary ruler of your Midheaven sign. The sign and house that that planet is in in your birth chart can show you what area of life you might find the most success, meaning, and fulfillment and what other work you might be remembered for. 

Example: My Midheaven is in Scorpio, which is ruled by Pluto. I have Pluto in my 11th House in Sagittarius. I might be able to bring forth my Scorpionic Midheaven skills best in 11th House or Sagittarian areas of life.

Now, if you are looking at your own chart and feeling like the qualities of your Midheaven just feel too expansive, scary, unfamiliar, or challenging, look to the 4th House of your chart. Your 4th House and Imum Coeli (IC, โ€œbottom of the skyโ€) are the energies you need to root into in order to expand outward into your Midheaven. The sign that rules your 4th House can show you what energy to channel when you need to feel grounded, safe, and secure. As the 4th House rules the home and family, it can show you what energies, mindsets, or practices you need at home in order to feel recharged. As Madi Murphy says, we must โ€œroot down to rise up!โ€

What if you donโ€™t connect to your Midheaven?

  • Check your birth time! Your Midheaven is dependent on your birth time, just like the other placements in your chart. If your Midheaven feels really off and your Rising Sign does too, double check to see if your birth time is correct. 
  • You could be relying really heavily on your Rising Sign. The Rising Sign shows us our natural skills and qualities that can help us in all areas of life. Because they come so naturally, however, sometimes we can limit ourselves to that comfort zone. If youโ€™re feeling like your Midheaven is a reach and you arenโ€™t feeling fulfilled in the work that you do currently, experimenting beyond your Rising Sign could open up new doors and opportunities for you.
  • You donโ€™t have to make a career out of your midheaven sign, but it does indicate special skills that you inherently have and can excel at. If it feels really distant or out of your comfort zone, you might be playing small and could benefit from exploring new activities, increasing your self-confidence, and embracing your innate skill and power.
  • You may be leaning into your Sun sign or North Node more than your Midheaven, which is fine! Those placements also play a major role in your lifeโ€™s purpose and fulfillment. Just remember that your Midheaven holds innate skills that you can use whenever you need or want them.
  • You may not have the energy or interest to do any of the work your 10th House indicates for you because you may need to meet some of your basic needs first. Pay close attention to your 4th House and your Moon Sign in order to understand what your unique needs are and how to meet them.
  • Sometimes we can lean a little too hard into our 4th House, home life, and comfort zone, making us feel kind of stuck. We can all benefit from finding balance in opposite signs throughout our chart and experimenting outside of our comfort zones.
  • Check for significant placements in your 10th House or 4th House. Saturn or Chiron in the 10th House could make you more hesitant or even fearful to engage in those activities, while a Sun, North Node or stellium in your 4H could mean home and private life is just more important to you than your public life.

Read on to hear about the special qualities and skills your Midheaven represents in you, what careers you might excel at, and how you can best root down and nourish yourself in order to show up ready to do meaningful and impactful work in the world.


Element: Fire

Modality: Cardinal

Ruling Planet: Mars

People with their Midheaven in Aries can be bold, assertive, and fearless in their careers and the work that they do. They are excellent at inspiring and empowering others and make great leaders. Aries Midheavens can make great entrepreneurs as they are self-starters and fearless risk-takers, they arenโ€™t afraid to go after what they want, and they love to create new things and take immediate, decisive action. Their self-confidence is one of their greatest assets!

People with their Midheaven in Aries could excel as leaders, athletes, coaches, inventors, entrepreneurs, or any role where they can be competitive or get their blood and adrenaline pumping.

Aries Midheavens may desire to leave behind a legacy where they are known as a fighter or a warrior, as a trailblazer or a daredevil, or where they are remembered for their infectious passion, ambition, endless drive, and the motivation and inspiration they gave to others. 

If your Midheaven is in Aries, that means that your IC and 4th House are in Libra. In order to show up in the world, you may need to root down into your relationships. Spend time investing and building meaningful, intimate friendships and relationships with significant individuals in your life. These relationships will rejuvenate you so you can continue to grow and build outwardly. Remember to reflect on what it is you truly value and how you define right and wrong in your life, and be sure to keep these values close at hand as you move through the world.


Element: Earth

Modality: Fixed

Ruling Planet: Venus

People with their Midheaven in Taurus can be tenacious, resilient, patient and practical in their careers and the work that they do. They are excellent at imagining and building physical objects, as well as, systems that provide support and strong foundations. They do best when they can work on their own schedule and take their time with a project, leaving plenty of room for indulging and relaxing. Taurus Midheavens can make great artists as they are excellent at beautifying a space, planning ahead and plugging away steadily at a project, working with their hands, and focusing in on the five senses. Their determination is one of their greatest assets!

People with their Midheaven in Taurus could excel as builders or craftsmen, advocates and therapists, caretakers, and roles where they can create stability for others, work with their hands or with the earth, or beautify a space.

Taurus Midheavens may desire to leave behind a legacy where they are remembered as a romantic or an artist, as a support system and pillar of stability for others, and as a fierce protector and advocate for the vulnerable. 

If your Midheaven is in Taurus, that means that your IC and 4th House are in Scorpio. In order to show up in the world, you may need to root down into the deeper side of things. Donโ€™t shy away from the shadows โ€“ embrace the parts of yourself, your loved ones, and society that are seen as taboo, fear-inducing, or unsavory. Emotional and physical intimacy is important for you to feel grounded and to nourish yourself. Diving below the surface, even into a subconscious level, in your relationships, your desires, your needs, and your truest values will refill your drive and determination to take action in the world.


Element: Air

Modality: Mutable

Ruling Planet: Mercury

People with their Midheaven in Gemini can be adaptable, multi-passionate, and collaborative in their careers and the work that they do. They are excellent at sharing a message in any format, they work well with children, they make great personality hires, and they are team-players. Gemini Midheavens can be successful counselors and problem solvers because of their vast wealth of knowledge, their ability to connect quickly with others, and their high communication skills. Their curiosity is one of their greatest assets!

People with their Midheaven in Gemini could excel as writers, speakers, teachers, entertainers, or any role where they must network and form connections with other people.

Gemini Midheavens may desire to leave behind a legacy where they are remembered for their wit, their intelligence, their story-telling and entertaining abilities, and their ability to bring people together. 

If your Midheaven is in Gemini, that means that your IC and 4th House are in Sagittarius. In order to show up in the world, you may need to find a sense of adventure and expansiveness in your home life. Traveling regularly with family or loved ones, engaging your curiosity by experiencing new cultures and learning new things first hand, and bringing a sense of worldliness into your home could all be deeply nourishing for you. Additionally, exploring faith, spirituality, and philosophy can help you feel grounded in your day to day and more able to exert your energy outward in your career.


Element: Water

Modality: Cardinal

Ruling Planet: The Moon

People with their Midheaven in Cancer can be intuitive, creative, and compassionate in their careers and the work that they do. They are excellent at nurturing, helping others feel seen, heard, protected and secure, as well as, advocating for others and connecting with their own natural creativity and artistic side. Cancer Midheavens need careers where they can bring their emotional, creative, and intuitive self into their work and be seen as the pillars of strength and security that they are. Their empathy is one of their greatest assets!

People with their Midheaven in Cancer could excel as chefs, teachers, caretakers, healthcare professionals, social workers, artists, counselors, roles in which they work with women or children, or in any role where they can provide healing and protection for others.

Cancer Midheavens may desire to leave behind a legacy where they are remembered with respect as deeply empathetic and intuitive, as mystics, healers, emotional and spiritual guides, and fierce protectors of the innocent and vulnerable.

If your Midheaven is in Cancer, that means that your IC and 4th House are in Capricorn. In order to show up in the world, you may need to root down into building stability and self-advocacy in your personal life. You could really benefit from a very stable, secure, and even traditional home and family life. Be sure to prioritize your own needs at home and allow yourself to be taken care of by your loved ones too, so that you can not only go into the world with a full cup, but also set an example for self-love and self-care. Measuring your success on the love and connections in your personal life may help you release societal expectations for โ€œsuccessโ€ in your career and allow you to approach your work in the sensitive and gentle way that works best for you.


Element: Fire

Modality: Fixed

Ruling Planet: The Sun

People with their Midheaven in Leo can be courageous, confident, and expressive in their careers and the work that they do. They are excellent at inspiring, empowering, and encouraging others, and love taking charge, making them motivating leaders. Leo Midheavens can make great spokespeople and salesmen because they connect easily with others, they are magnetic and persuasive, they are excellent cheerleaders and hype-men and are naturally able to influence others in an authentic and motivating way. Their playfulness is one of their greatest assets!

People with their Midheaven in Leo could excel as performers, artists, entertainers, leaders, influencers, motivational speakers or coaches, or roles working with children. They also could excel as the face and spokesperson for a cause, product, or project, or in any role where they get to be in the spotlight.

Leo Midheavens may desire to leave behind a legacy where they are remembered for their talents, their creativity, and their star-power, as a source of inspiration for others, and as someone who pursues and spreads joy in everything they do.

If your Midheaven is in Leo, that means that your IC and 4th House are in Aquarius. In order to show up in the world, you may need to root down into your greater community and a cause bigger than you. You could find the most nourishment and support from large friend groups, โ€œfoundโ€ family, or an unconventional or nontraditional home or family structure. Connecting to the causes and communities important to you in your personal life will help you become an even stronger advocate in your career and help you keep an eye on the big picture in the work that you do.


Element: Earth

Modality: Mutable

Ruling Planet: Mercury

People with their Midheaven in Virgo can be analytical, productive, and service-oriented in their careers and the work that they do. They are excellent at organizing, restructuring, solving problems, and helping others create more structure and control in their physical bodies and spaces. Virgo Midheavens can make great philanthropists as they are great at helping and serving others and they have a strong desire to leave the world better than they left it. Their attention to detail is one of their greatest assets!

People with their Midheaven in Virgo could excel as speakers, writers, or teachers, in the medical field, research, science, and the literary arts, or in any role where their perfectionism can be put to good use. 

Virgo Midheavens may desire to leave behind a legacy where they are remembered as an expert or the best in their field, as a skilled problem-solver, and as someone who has mastery over themselves and who helps others regain their own sovereignty and agency.

If your Midheaven is in Virgo, that means that your IC and 4th House are in Pisces. In order to show up in the world, you may need to root down into your spirituality and faith practices. Connect with nature in your personal time as much as possible to refill your cup. Allow yourself to be a little imperfect and even messy in your home life, practicing self-acceptance and releasing self-judgement in a space that feels safe for you. Surround yourself with family and loved ones who appreciate you regardless of how productive you are and encourage self-love in you. This will allow you to move through your work with more ease and gentleness as well.


Element: Air

Modality: Cardinal

Ruling Planet: Venus

People with their Midheaven in Libra can be empathetic, fair, and social in their careers and the work that they do. They are excellent at bringing people together, building community and fostering teamwork, advocating for and championing a cause, making things fair and equal, and finding compromise in all situations. Libra Midheavens can make great designers, decorators, and artists because of their venusian eye for beauty, balance, quality and refinement. Their passion for justice and equality is one of their greatest assets!

People with their Midheaven in Libra could excel as diplomats, mediators, lawyers or judges, therapists, consultants, artists, and in any role where they can work collaboratively or in close partnership with a teammate (or even with their spouse!).

Libra Midheavens may desire to leave behind a legacy where they are remembered as peacemakers, pillars of justice, inner romantics and as an artistic creator and muse.

If your Midheaven is in Libra, that means that your IC and 4th House are in Aries. In order to show up in the world, you may need to really root down into your individuality and most authentic self. Take time in your personal life to prioritize your relationship with yourself and really get to know who you are and what you need and value. Family and loved ones who encourage your authenticity will be very nourishing to you. Investing your personal time in what lights you up and keeping that internal fire stoked will help you go out in the world with more energy and a stronger sense of self.


Element: Water

Modality: Fixed

Ruling Planet: Pluto

People with their Midheaven in Scorpio can be powerful, intuitive, magnetic, and ambitious in their careers and the work they do. They are excellent at helping others deal with difficult emotions or situations, helping others through transformative experiences, embracing the shadows, protecting the vulnerable and helping others reconnect with their inner source of power. Scorpio Midheavens can make great investigators because they are deeply determined, they can see beyond the surface of things and arenโ€™t afraid to dig deep in order to find the truth. Their bravery in the face of fear is one of their greatest assets!

People with their Midheaven in Scorpio could excel as actors, detectives, psychologists, researchers, counselors or therapists, advocates, or healers and practitioners of magic, shamanism or occultist arts.

Scorpio Midheavens may desire to leave behind a legacy where they are remembered for dismantling systems of power, for shining light into the dark and uncovering the truth, and for empowering others by helping them approach their full, human natures with love and acceptance.

If your Midheaven is in Scorpio, that means that your IC and 4th House are in Taurus. In order to show up in the world, you may need to root down into your physical body and material home. Take time to connect with the pleasures and joys of being in a human body, such as tasty food, comfy blankets, beautiful jewelry or clothing, or the company of your loved ones. Because much of your work is so deep below the surface, allowing yourself to care for more โ€œsuperficialโ€ things in your personal life can be deeply rejuvenating for you. Practicing good financial, emotional and energetic hygiene in your personal life will allow you to expand into the world with more security, confidence, and a better sense of who you are and what you value.


Element: Fire

Modality: Mutable

Ruling Planet: Jupiter

People with their Midheaven in Sagittarius can be optimistic, adventurous, and bold in their careers and the work that they do. They are excellent at pushing themselves out of their comfort zones, expanding their horizons, and stretching their point of view to empathize with others, which can make them great educators or spiritual leaders. Sagittarius Midheavens can make great entertainers as they are natural storytellers, they have a strong sense of humor, they can view lifeโ€™s challenges with a lighthearted and curious approach, and they are great at seeing the bigger picture. Their wisdom is one of their greatest assets!

People with their Midheaven in Sagittarius could excel as diplomats, philosophers, scholars, writers and storytellers, or in any role that allows them to travel and engage with new cultures.

Sagittarius Midheavens may desire to leave behind a legacy where they are remembered as an adventurer, explorer, philosopher, as a seeker of the meaning of life, as a spreader of optimism and joy, or as a sage and source of wise advice.

If your Midheaven is in Sagittarius, that means that your IC and 4th House are in Gemini. In order to show up in the world, you may need to root down into your friendships and personal connections at home. Having friends and family who know you deeply and can help you connect with who you are at your core will protect you from losing your sense of self in the expansiveness of the work that you do. Stay grounded, nourished, and rejuvenated by paying attention to details in your personal life, nurturing your closest relationships, and establishing a strong physical or ideological โ€œhome-baseโ€ for yourself so that you can continue to expand your energy outward into your career.


Element: Earth

Modality: Cardinal

Ruling Planet: Saturn

People with their Midheaven in Capricorn can be assertive, ambitious, and traditionally successful in their careers and the work that they do. They are excellent at organizing, systematizing, structuring, and building new systems and better ways of doing things. Capricorn Midheavens can make great leaders because they value helping others feel empowered and supported, they are fierce protectors of the vulnerable, they are decisive, and they are very results-oriented.Their sense of responsibility is one of their greatest assets!

People with their Midheaven in Capricorn could excel as business owners, bosses, and leaders, as teachers, working in the justice system or in any role where they are a figure of authority and responsible for organizing and advocating for others.

Capricorn Midheavens may desire to leave behind a legacy where they are remembered as responsible stewards of their communities, as an admired authority figure, as a leader of men, and as an advocate for justice.

If your Midheaven is in Capricorn, that means that your IC and 4th House are in Cancer. In order to show up in the world, you may need to root down into your home and family life. Use your personal time to connect with your emotions, stay in touch with your inner child, and activate your intuitive and sensitive side in order to feel rejuvenated and to stay balanced as you expand your energy out into the world. Finding a reciprocal caretaker and authority balance at home by allowing yourself to be taken care of by a loved one or partner, and in turn taking care of them, can also help you to feel more secure, grounded, and nourished so that you can continue to take care of everyone else in your work.


Element: Air

Modality: Fixed

Ruling Planet: Uranus

People with their Midheaven in Aquarius can be unconventional, independent, and innovative in their careers and the work that they do. They are excellent at empowering and advocating for others, thinking outside the box, championing a cause, and can be strong community leaders. Aquarius Midheavens can make great analysts as they are good at connecting the dots and seeing the bigger picture, they are natural problem-solvers, and they pick up on trends and themes easily. Their eccentricity is one of their greatest assets!

People with their Midheaven in Aquarius could excel as inventors, engineers, advocates, working with technology or in any role where they can problem-solve large-scale issues and rewrite old systems.

Aquarius Midheavens may desire to leave behind a legacy where they are remembered as a humanitarian or activist, as a rebel and revolutionary, as a leader and trend-setter, and as a liberator.

If your Midheaven is in Aquarius, that means that your IC and 4th House are in Leo. In order to show up in the world, you may need to root down into heart. Focus your home and family life on reconnecting with your emotions, your inner child, and your creative expression in order to work more effectively and compassionately in your career. Focusing on your individual relationships and keeping an eye on the details in your personal life will help you bring out your best self publicly. Being the center of attention at home can also help you feel more secure and grounded so that you can decenter yourself in the work that you do in the world.


Element: Water

Modality: Mutable

Ruling Planet: Neptune

People with their Midheaven in Pisces can be highly creative and empathetic in their careers and the work that they do. They are excellent at guiding, uplifting, and taking care of others and make wonderful healers. Pisces Midheavens can be excellent artists and performers as they are imaginative daydreamers, they know how to inspire others, they can envision ideas beyond our reality, and are guided by a spiritual force beyond themselves. Their intuition is one of their greatest assets!

People with their Midheaven in Pisces could excel in careers like writing, music, art, or performance, caretaking or nurturing roles, as a spiritual or community leader, or in occult or intuitive healing and divination work. 

Pisces Midheavens may want to be remembered for their art and creativity, their powerful intuition, their empathy and selflessness, and for how they are able to stay soft and receptive in a system that asks them to be otherwise.

If your Midheaven is in Pisces, that means that your IC and 4th House are in Virgo. In order to show up in the world, you need to root down into your daily routine. Make your home life an oasis of groundedness and practicality! This means prioritizing your basic human needs like food, water, sleep, and company. Find spiritual practices that help you connect your intuitive self with the real, physical world. You could also feel especially rejuvenated by spending time in nature and with pets.

Want to learn even more about how your Midheaven interacts with the other planets in your unique birth chart and what that can tell you about your skills, career, and purpose? Get a personalized Birth Chart Reading with Maggie! Check out her offerings at