Fall 2024 Eclipse Season

Fall 2024 Eclipse Season

We are coming up on another Eclipse season for the books! Eclipses can always be chaotic, unpredictable, destabilizing, or distressing. However, they are an amazing time where the universe launches us forward on our journey toward our purpose, and helps get us back on track if weโ€™ve strayed from alignment! These eclipses in Pisces and Libra are going to be dreamy AF and, though the methods may be clunky, will overall help us all bring in more love, faith, and peace into the world.

For a deep dive on eclipses in general, please check out our blog post on Everything You Need to Know About Eclipses! 

Keep reading for specifics on the Fall 2024 Eclipse season and what it means for your sign.

We have two eclipses this fall: a lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 18th, and a solar eclipse in Libra on October 2nd. The effects of these eclipses can be felt for weeks before and after them, with the most potent time of chaos and transformation happening in the two week period between them. Each eclipse brings with it particular energies and calls for growth, while together they form nuanced themes that shape the transformations of the season.

Eclipse season kicks off on September 18th with a partial lunar eclipse at 25ยฐ of Pisces. We may begin to feel the effects of this eclipse as soon as early August, but the effects will be strongest in the one to two weeks before and after September 18th. 

A lunar eclipse is a time of heightened emotions, major endings and new beginnings, as well as epiphanies and new understandings. For this eclipse, the Sun will be in Virgo while the Moon is in Pisces. Because Pisces and Virgo are mutable signs, those with significant placements in the 20-30ยฐ range of Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, and Sagittarius will feel this eclipse most potently and intensely. This will be the first eclipse on the Virgo-Pisces axis since 2017, which indicates that we are beginning a new era of progress in the Virgo and Pisces areas of our charts.

Pisces is the sign of higher powers, esoteric spirituality and faith, unconditional love, martyrdom, mental health, and infinite expansion. Like its ruling planet Neptune, Pisces is also associated with dreams, the unknown and unseen, the subconscious and intuition, as well as delusion and detachment. The opposite side of that axis lies Virgo, the sign of the spiritual and practical components of our daily lives. Virgo is associated with ritual and daily spiritual practices, devotion, care for self and others, being of service, physical health, healthy boundaries, daily systems and routines, and sovereignty. Ruled by Mercury, Virgo also values communication, investigation and problem solving, and willingness to seek constant improvement and progress. 

This Pisces lunar eclipse could spark new eras for us each to explore these themes of spirituality and faith, devotion and unconditional love, health and boundaries, and how we can most effectively be of service to ourselves and others. Eclipses often accompany some kind of โ€œcrisisโ€ or significant event or realization that triggers the need for growth and progress. For this Pisces-Virgo eclipse, this could look like a crisis of faith, a physical or mental health event, or a failure of the daily systems or methods we have come to rely on. Many folks could also find themselves on the path to a new career or โ€œcallingโ€ after this eclipse season.ย 

Collectively and individually we are being asked to shed wounds of detachment or delusion, release the need for constant control, and see and embrace the spiritual existences we share in this physical world. We are being called to see how our spiritual selves are inherent, essential, and powerful beyond our imaginations. We must work within the real limitations of our physical world, but we must also investigate this more closely โ€“ have we been perceiving some limitations that arenโ€™t really there? How can we dream our wildest dreams and bring them to life here in the 3D world? Pay close attention to your dreams and intuition during this time as well. Where can we relish in the inherent, beautiful chaos, mess, and order in the world around us?

And even though that already feels like a lot to have going on, thereโ€™s more! On October 2nd we have an annular solar eclipse at 10ยฐ of Libra. Both the Sun and the Moon will be in the sign of Libra. When the lunar eclipse in Pisces happens we will already be feeling the influence of this solar eclipse in Libra, and will continue to feel it for most of October.

A solar eclipse, like a new moon, often signifies the ending of an old cycle and the beginning of a new one. This will be the fifth of six eclipses happening on the Aries-Libra axis in the past few years, so it could feel similar to past eclipses as these Aries and Libra themes of self and other come up again. Because Libra is a cardinal sign, those with significant placements in 5-15ยฐ of Libra, Aries, Cancer and Capricorn will feel this eclipse most potently.

Libra is the sign of relationships, balance, justice, love, and equality. It is the sign of seeing both sides, holding opposing viewpoints together, finding compromise and working on common ground. Libra is a strong advocate for social justice and equality, fighting for the underdog and holding others accountable, overall seeking the restoration of balance and peace. Like its ruling planet Venus, Libra always works with an air of harmony, love, beauty and grace. Because of the strong desire for harmony and the ability to empathize deeply with all sides, Libra can fall into patterns of people-pleasing and peace-keeping. Additionally, Libra can tend to lose sight of themselves in others and struggle to know who they truly are outside of the context of their relationships.

This solar eclipse in Libra could be a time of the ending of old cycles or patterns and the beginning of a new cycle in areas of relationships, identity, and how you stand up for yourself and others. Because we have had eclipses on this Aries-Libra axis in the past few years, we may be seeing themes come up again that we have been working through. Last October, of 2023, we also had an annular solar eclipse at 21ยฐ of Libra. Additionally, the lunar eclipse on March 25th of 2024 was at 5ยฐ of Libra and the solar eclipse on April 8th of 2024 was at 19ยฐ of Aries. We can look back to these times, October of 2023 and March/April of 2024, to see what was happening in our lives then and what this fall solar eclipse might be building upon. Each eclipse in a set can reveal new understandings of ourselves, help us see and release even deeper wounds, and help us grow beyond how we imagined we could.

We are being asked on a personal and collective level to continue to grow in our understanding of ourselves and others. How can we hold onto our individual selves in our relationships? How can we celebrate and lean into our innate, human need to be in relationship with others? How can we comprehend and accept the similarities and differences between ourselves and others? How can we stand up for ourselves and others with kindness, hold others accountable with compassion, and guide our actions with empathy? Eclipses ask us to integrate dichotomies, to hold opposing ideas together, and Libra is the perfect leader to show us the way to do that.

Between the Pisces lunar eclipse and the Libra solar eclipse, the overarching theme is love. Collectively and individually we are being stretched in our capacity for love, how we can bring more of it into our daily lives and interactions with others, how we can see love in the world around us and feel it at the core of all our emotions, and how we can hold onto it as a beacon of hope no matter what we are facing.

Inherent in our human experience we are tasked with the daunting challenge of integrating the spiritual with the physical and the self with the other, and love is the key to both.

Keep reading to learn how these two eclipses will show up in your chart!

Aries Rising

Pisces in the 12th House; Libra in the 7th House

The Growth:

This eclipse season you are being asked to grow in your connection to faith, spirituality, and higher powers. You are being given an opportunity to understand yourself on a deeper subconscious level, and to bring even more of your authentic self into your relationships with others. You may find yourself drawn to a new occupation or calling during this time. You will also be continuing the progress youโ€™ve made during eclipses in recent years around who you are and how you relate to others. 

The Crisis:

The lunar eclipse in Pisces could coincide with a crisis of faith for you. This could look like a new realization or epiphany about your spiritual nature, or an event in your personal life that reminds you of your need for spiritual connection. You may experience a new challenge around your mental or physical health that requires you to slow down and release beliefs or expectations you have held for a long time. Practice being grounded without getting stuck. An event in your daily life could prompt you to seek out a new calling or way of being service as well. The solar eclipse in Libra will call back to events that may have happened during the recent eclipses in March, 2024 and October, 2023. Look back to those times to prepare for what challenges or transformations might occur this season in your relationships with yourself and others.

Keep in Mind:

Pay extra close attention to your dreams as they might reveal a new insight into a subconscious pattern you have been experiencing. A lot of the growth during this time may be happening on that subconscious level, so you may not be fully aware of it. Take extra special care of your mental health around this time, and make sure you ask for help when you need it! Others might not be able to understand what you are experiencing (heck, you might not understand what youโ€™re experiencing either), but there are still a myriad of ways that support from others can be helpful during this time.ย 

Taurus Rising

Pisces in the 11th House; Libra in the 6th House

The Growth:

This eclipse season you are being asked to grow in your community involvement, to channel your creativity into action, and to bring more balance into your daily life. You may become more involved in a faith or spiritual community, or bring more spirituality into activism you already practice. You may also find new ways of managing your creative practices and bringing more creativity into your daily life.

The Crisis:

The lunar eclipse in Pisces could prompt a crisis of faith that has you reevaluating your spiritual community, your involvement in that community, or the lack thereof. This could be triggered by an event or realization that leaves you feeling isolated or detached from your faith, community, or both. This could highlight your innate need for spiritual connection with others. Additionally, you could experience a new disruption in how you connect with your creativity or inner child. The solar eclipse in Libra may emphasize these new ways that you can embrace connection with others in your work or home environment, and could help you connect more deeply with your creative self through your relationships.

Keep in Mind:

You may be someone who is very comfortable being independent and withdrawn from the rest of the world, preferring to stay at home and keep to yourself. There is nothing wrong with that, but it is also part of your nature to need intimate connection with others and to need an outlet for your creative expression. You have so much to offer the world and have a deep well of wisdom, power, and drive within you to take action on the things you care about. How can you access that well of energy more and be of greater service to the collective, while also fueling yourself through the human connections you make along the way?

Gemini Rising

Pisces in the 10th House; Libra in the 5th House

The Growth:

This eclipse season could promote growth and progress in your career, your relationship with your family, and your relationship with your inner child. You may find yourself with a new understanding of your work-life balance needs, what career means to you, and how you can bring more of your whole, authentic self into your public life. You may learn new things about your creative self and your inner child that help you connect more deeply and authentically with both your family and in your public image.

The Crisis:

The lunar eclipse in Pisces could coincide with a crisis around work and family, particularly around mental or physical health. This could prompt you to set new expectations for yourself, re-evaluate your work-life balance, and check in with what you truly value and what you need to feel self-actualized. The solar eclipse in Libra might put you in a position where you need to revisit your childhood, or you may need to access your deep wells of creativity to solve an unexpected problem. The more you approach it with an attitude of fun and curiosity, the easier and more fruitful that challenge will be.

Keep in Mind:

This intense energy in your 10th and 5th Houses could trigger your fear of being seen. This could be a fear of being seen as flawed, being perceived as less capable or intelligent than you are, or a fear of being out of touch, among other things. Remember that, at the end of the day, your career, how you are of service to others, how you express yourself, etc is about you and what fills your cup. Make all this growth as fun as possible, and do it for you!

Cancer Rising

Pisces in the 9th House; Libra in the 4th House

The Growth:

This eclipse season you are being called to grow in areas of your faith and spirituality, your open-mindedness and ability to accept others different than yourself, and your bravery and sense of adventure. You may also experience deeper levels of connection to your family and your roots, and may find more clarity on what you need to feel nourished and supported. 

The Crisis:

The lunar eclipse in Pisces may bring with it a crisis of faith and belief for you, Cancer. You are naturally intuitive and connected to your emotions, and this lunar eclipse could be emotionally intense. A situation could arise where you are pushed out of your comfort zone, confronted with a destabilizing idea, confronted with a stark cultural conflict, or learn that someone you love holds a belief you disagree with. This could prompt a mini existential crisis where you question your own beliefs and ideas about the world. Remember that doubt is a part of faith. The solar eclipse in Libra will help you integrate these new ideas and open your mind to even more possibilities. Focus on approaching yourself and your emotions with love, approaching the beliefs of others with compassion, and helping yourself feel safe by prioritizing your basic needs as you stretch outside of your comfort zone.

Keep in Mind:

You have such strength and can be such a strong advocate for those you love, Cancer. Sometimes showing up, using your voice and being seen can be daunting and can keep you from accessing your inner strength. Acknowledge any fears or doubts that come up during eclipse season and practice taking action despite fear. Embrace your bravery and strength and show up as the protector you are, both for others and for yourself โ€“ any and all emotions welcome.

Leo Rising

Pisces in the 8th House; Libra in the 3rd House

The Growth:

This eclipse season you are being asked to really turn inward and expand through shadow work. You are being asked to release any rigid thinking you may have around what stability can look like, particularly financial stability. Additionally, you are being called to connect more deeply to your body and mental wellbeing with more self-compassion. 

The Crisis:

The lunar eclipse in Pisces could coincide with a mental or physical health challenge that interferes with your regular income source or your most intimate relationships. This could prompt you to reassess your values and if your daily life is truly in alignment with those values. It could also trigger some deep-seated wounds around your personal value, intimacy, and deepest flaws. Assess how you can source your power from within. The solar eclipse in Libra may help you communicate your feelings in your relationships. Just remember that you donโ€™t have all the information yet, so keep an open mind.

Keep in Mind:

Finding a balance between the energy you spend on yourself versus the energy you spend on others is always a challenge for you, Leo. This eclipse season you have permission to turn all your attention inward and focus on taking care of yourself. During this time, remember to still communicate kindly with your loved ones. Turning your attention on yourself also means watching out for situations where you may be projecting insecurities on others or where you may be taking things too personally. The bright, airy energy of the Libra solar eclipse will help reignite your fire if things get a little bogged down at the beginning of the season.

Virgo Rising

Pisces in the 7th House; Libra in the 2nd House

The Growth:

This eclipse season is kicking off a new period of growth for you in your relationships and your sense of self. You are also continuing to build off the growth from recent eclipses around your values, how you make money, and how you take care of your physical well being.

The Crisis:

The lunar eclipse in Pisces could coincide with a conflict in a significant relationship or with an individual you may view as an opponent. This conflict could lead to a crisis of faith, a torrent of self-doubt, or lead you to question the reality of your current situation. This could prompt you to re-evaluate your relationship or your identity. Combined with the solar eclipse in Libra in your second house, you could find yourself called to a new career path or means of being of service to others that feels more aligned with your true self. Realizing something feels misaligned can be distressing โ€“ donโ€™t let yourself panic or make any rash decisions. Connect with your ability to feel love and hope, and use your relationships to connect deeper with those feelings.

Keep in Mind:

Remember that you are prone to overthinking and being very critical of yourself and others, but you may not see the whole picture right now. Eclipse seasons are not a good time to make big decisions โ€“ even more new understandings are still to come that may change how you feel. Chaos is always uncomfortable, but there is a beauty in the messiness of life because it is real. Embrace it through your innate spirituality, and use this time to reconnect to your self-devotion practices.

Libra Rising

Libra in the 1st House; Pisces in the 6th House

The Growth:

This eclipse season, you are experiencing growth in how you incorporate spirituality into your daily routines, around your sense of sovereignty and agency over yourself, and how you can be of service to others without losing yourself in the process. You are continuing on your journey of finding who you truly are outside of the context of your relationships and community.

The Crisis:

You may experience someone or something (or even you!) seriously crossing your boundaries, prompting you to reevaluate how available you sometimes make yourself to others (to your own detriment) and prompting you to set some firm, healthy boundaries. You may also experience a failure in the daily systems you rely on or some of the fundamental beliefs you hold about yourself, your career, your practices and routines, or your faith. You may be feeling called to bring more spirituality into your daily work or career, and may find yourself drawn to a new path you hadnโ€™t imagined before.

Keep in Mind:

Just because something may not be true anymore doesnโ€™t mean it was never true โ€“ donโ€™t gaslight yourself into a deeper existential crisis. This eclipse season could be a little destabilizing for you. Look back at the eclipses from March 2024 and October 2023 to see what themes might come up again for you this time around. As you are navigating your need for connection with others and how to balance that with your need for connection with yourself, remember that nature can be an excellent teacher and supporter. Spent a little time outside to rejuvenate and reflect.

Scorpio Rising

Pisces in the 5th House; Libra in the 12th House

The Growth:

This eclipse season you are being asked to connect with your inner child and creative self, to remember all the amazing gifts you offer to the world, and to bring more awareness to your subconscious self.

The Crisis:

This lunar eclipse in Pisces is happening in your 5th House of your creativity, your inner child, your playfulness, and how you can be seen. You may experience acute challenges around your mental health, accessing your creativity, or trusting your intuition. This may require you to connect with your inner child in a new way to revive that creativity, motivation and wellbeing. You may also experience a conflict with friends that forces you to reevaluate where you may be overly judgmental and prompt you to bring more love into your relationships. Embracing love in your close relationships and in your relationship with yourself will help you heal and find peace on a subconscious level as well as the solar eclipse in Libra occurs in your 12th House.

Keep in Mind:

One of the shadows you can struggle with most, Scorpio, is seeing the things you donโ€™t like about yourself in other people and treating them unkindly as a result. Be mindful where you may be projecting your experience onto others during this highly emotional time. Remember that the universe is working in your favor. 

Sagittarius Rising

Pisces in the 4th House; Libra in the 11th House

The Growth:

This eclipse season you are being asked to grow your connection to your family and your roots, to get serious about the practical components and limitations in your work and career, and to find fulfilling ways to connect more deeply with your community. 

The Crisis:

You have an innate desire for freedom, Sagittarius, and this eclipse season might put you in an uncomfortable position of stagnancy. You could experience a work or home crisis, particularly around mental or physical health, that might make you feel stuck for a period of time. The practical details of life might not be your favorite thing to deal with, but the lunar eclipse in Pisces might make it essential that you pay attention to them. This is an opportunity for you to get to know your family or close friends better, to deepen your connection to and understanding of your roots and where you come from, and to get in touch with what you need most to feel grounded and nourished. As your focus is brought back home, the solar eclipse in Libra might inspire you to channel your optimism and visionary energy into your community, possibly getting involved in an activism issue important to you or your loved ones.

Keep in Mind:

You are naturally a spiritual person, Sagittarius, but because it comes so naturally to you it may not be an area of your life you really pay that much attention to. You are very open minded and have likely explored the philosophical ins and outs of many different religions and cultural faith practices. This eclipse season might put you in a position of needing some extra support, however, and it could be a great time to lean on all that you know and actually integrate some kind of helpful spiritual practice into your daily life. 

Capricorn Rising

Pisces in the 3rd House; Libra in the 10th House

The Growth:

This eclipse season you are being called to expand your curiosity, to confront fears around using your voice in new ways, and to embrace even more flexibility and compromise in your career. 

The Crisis:

You may find yourself in a situation where you are forced to use your voice in a new way around the time of the lunar eclipse in Pisces. This could include having to speak on something really important to you but highly vulnerable or emotional, like your sense of self, your beliefs, your hopes and dreams, or your emotions. This could trigger deep fears and self-doubt. Despite your maturity, you have a naturally playful way of speaking and communicating, Capricorn. Lean into that playfulness and embrace the mess and chaos of this time.

Keep in Mind:

You have a tendency to tie your identity to your career, Capricorn. The solar eclipse in Libra in your 10th House is prompting you to find who you are outside of the context of your career and public image. Leaning on others for support in your work is an asset and a powerful way to build community and relationships in your workplace. Remember that your vulnerability is a sign of your strength!

Aquarius Rising

Pisces in the 2nd House; Libra in the 9th House

The Growth:

You may experience growth in areas of your mental and physical health, your ability to embrace shadow work, and your values. You could also be asked to make new connections outside of your local community and may find that there is still so much knowledge and understanding out there to explore.

The Crisis:

You may experience a crisis around your physical or mental health at the time of the lunar eclipse in Pisces. This could lead to a disruption to how you have been making money on a daily basis. This could require you to reassess what it is you truly value, how you take care of your mental and physical well-being, and even if your job is as aligned with your skills and financially fulfilling as it could be. You may also find yourself in a position where some of your deepest secrets are revealed to yourself or others, or some of your deepest shadows are triggered. The practical, detached, routine way of dealing with your secrets and shadows may not be enough to manage them this time around, but this is a good thing. You are being asked to expand your self-compassion and bring some spirituality into your self-exploration. The solar eclipse in Libra could compound this new way of thinking and help you expand your compassion for yourself and others even further.

Keep in Mind:

You tend to detach emotionally, Aquarius, but this lunar eclipse in Pisces is an excellent time to reconnect with your emotional self. Not only are your emotions natural, they are a powerful tool for self-expression and communication with yourself and others. The themes of this eclipse season offer great reminders that it is essential to act alongside your heart, not just your mind. You have a big heart, so let it take the lead sometimes!

Pisces Rising

Pisces in the 1st House; Libra in the 8th House

The Growth:

This eclipse season is kicking off a new chapter of personal growth for you, Pisces. You are exploring themes of self and identity, and really getting serious about reconciling your spiritual nature with those annoying, but beautiful, human limitations. This is a time to explore the depths of who you are in all your light and all your shadow, how you can find spirituality through connection with others, and remember that gift you have for unconditional love.

The Crisis:

You may experience something new about yourself or your limitations that could trigger a bit of an identity crisis or crisis of faith around the lunar eclipse in Pisces. You might find yourself directly facing some of your greatest fears and self-doubts, and feeling a little untethered to reality. Rather than stewing in the time-warp, let this ungrounded feeling prompt you to explore new daily routines or habits that could help you reconnect with your physical body and physical space. A partner or other relationship could trigger a deep shadow wound around the solar eclipse in Libra. Approach yourself and the other person with love and take the space you need, and allow that conflict to motivate you toward deeper understanding.

Keep in Mind:

Grounding in reality can be a challenge for you, Pisces, but it is essential to help you feel whole and powerful. You can lean on others to help you in this process. If you donโ€™t have a therapist or a trusted confidante, this would be a good time to get one! You may find it easiest to explore your new realizations about yourself and the depths of your shadows by grounding through communication with another person.

Interested in learning even more about how this eclipse season is affecting you in your personal life? Book a Birth Chart Reading with Maggie! Check out her offerings at egressastrology.com.