Full Moon in Capricorn July 21, 2024

Full Moon in Capricorn July 21, 2024

July 21st welcomes the second of two, rare back-to-back Capricorn Full Moons.

Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, is an earth sign known for its discipline, ambition, and practicality. It’s a sign that embodies the archetype of the builder, the one who climbs mountains and overcomes obstacles with perseverance and determination. When the Moon is in Capricorn, these qualities are brought to the forefront, urging us to take a pragmatic approach to our goals and responsibilities.

A Full Moon in Capricorn amplifies these traits, encouraging us to reflect on our long-term ambitions and the structures we have in place to support them. Itโ€™s a time to evaluate our progress, reassess our strategies, and make necessary adjustments to ensure we are on the right path.

Throughout this month, weโ€™ve been feeling a lot of Leo-Pluto opposition (and will continue to throughout Leo season) and this full moon ignites it further, pushing us to confront a major identity shift.

Think of it as a cosmic rebirth: shedding old skins and forging a new, authentic self. The past few “hot girl summers” might have felt a little off-kilter, haven’t they? That’s because we’ve been on a deep dive into self-discovery, excavating the depths of our hearts. So think of this Leo-Pluto opposition as the ignition point. It’s time to tap into that courageous Leo energy, to lead with heart-centered strength. Who are we in this revolution? What parts of us are transforming? What role do we play? The key lies in renewing our Leo energy. Connect with your heart’s truth, embrace yourself with fierce love, and extend that compassion outwards.

And the cherry on top? This Full Moon is conjunct Pluto (at the potent 29th degree) which signifies an urgent need for closure. Is there something lingering since 2020, 2018, or even 2008? This cosmic nudge is a reminder that the finish line is near, but action needs to be taken.

Acknowledge past patterns and challenges, plan your next steps, and prepare to take the lead.

What’s the difference between the Capricorn Full Moon from June 21st and this Capricorn Full Moon?

The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21, 2024, will differ significantly from the previous one on June 21, 2024, due to various factors. The June Full Moon occurred on the summer solstice, a time marked by the peak of solar energy and the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. This alignment intensified the Full Moon’s energy, making it an ideal period for setting new intentions and manifesting goals with high energy and enthusiasm. In contrast, the July Full Moon takes place after the summer solstice, a period associated with the maturation of the year’s earlier intentions. This timing brings a more reflective and evaluative energy, encouraging us to assess and adjust our plans rather than initiate new ones.

Astrologically, the planetary aspects during these Full Moons will create distinct influences. The June Full Moon had specific planetary alignments that brought certain themes to the forefront, such as relationships, communication, or financial matters, depending on the aspects present at the time. The July Full Moon will have different aspects, shifting the focus to areas like bold actions or unexpected changes if influenced by planets like Mars or Uranus. These variations in planetary influences will shape the unique astrological context of each Full Moon, impacting the themes and energies we experience.

On a personal level, the June Full Moon marked the beginning of a new lunar cycle, making it a time to harness the high energy of the solstice for initiating actions and setting powerful intentions. The energy was more vibrant and outward-focused, encouraging social interactions and external achievements. Conversely, the July Full Moon provides an opportunity to evaluate the progress made since June. It is a time for introspection, personal growth, and making necessary adjustments to our plans. This Full Moon encourages a deeper understanding of what has been working and what needs restructuring to achieve long-term goals.

Emotionally and energetically, the June Full Moon likely brought a higher intensity and outward focus, celebrating achievements and enjoying the height of summer. The July Full Moon, however, is more introspective and grounding, urging us to focus on personal growth and emotional stability. It brings a sense of consolidating gains and preparing for the next phase of growth. Collectively, while the June Full Moon highlighted societal themes around community and shared goals, the July Full Moon will emphasize responsibility, structure, and long-term planning, potentially drawing attention to governance and sustainable development.

This week is about clearing out the cobwebs, embracing transformation, and stepping into a renewed, empowered you.


What is the cycle thatโ€™s being completed now? Check for your sun and rising. 

Aries: Career

Taurus: Adventure

Gemini: Intimacy

Cancer: Romance

Leo: New Routines

Virgo: Creativity

Libra: Home

Scorpio: Communications

Sagittarius: Finances

Capricorn: Authenticity

Aquarius: Spiritual Healing

Pisces: Activism