The Mess is the Magic: Mindset Shifts for Retrograde Season

The Mess is the Magic: Mindset Shifts for Retrograde Season

How to Embrace Retrogrades and Turn Them Into Medicine

In astrology, a retrograde occurs when a planet appears to move backward in its orbit from our perspective on Earth. This can impact the energies associated with that planet, and how we as humans experience things in our daily lives. 

For example:

  • Mercury Retrograde – Mercury rules technology, communication, and travel. Mercury retrogrades 3-4 times in a year, for about 3 weeks at a time. These periods are associated with breakdowns and breakthroughs relating to these themes. 
  • Venus Retrograde – Venus is the planet of love, relationships, values, beauty and aesthetics. During its 6-week retrograde period (occurring once every ~18 months), you may experience issues or lessons related to these areas of life. 
  • Mars Retrograde – Mars influences action, motivation, and conflict. When Mars stations retrogradeโ€”about once every 26 months, for 60-80 days at a timeโ€”it shines a spotlight on these themes and may impact our motivation and energy levels. 

The Collective Perspective on Retrogrades

When a planet is approaching its retrograde period, you may notice the buzz in different astrology circles, warning you of what to look out for or how to avoid any retrograde mayhem. 

While this kind of rhetoric is often well-intentioned, it sometimes feels to me like the energy of โ€œrunning fromโ€ chaos, versus confidently โ€œmoving towardsโ€ progress or change. 

My Hot Take on Retrogrades: Being in on the Cosmic Joke

Maybe itโ€™s because I was born during Mercury retrograde, but over the last 3 years since starting my own astrological journey, Iโ€™ve come to really love the medicine and healing of retrogrades. In fact, theyโ€™re somewhat of a cosmic kink for me. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Retrogrades can be incredibly helpful learning portals. They help me focus in on what my planetary assignment is, offering an intentional period of slowing down, reflecting, and turning my focus to the areas of life impacted by that planet and the zodiac sign(s) itโ€™s retrograding through. 

Retrogrades create seasons of pause that help us grow in a way thatโ€™s more sustainable, with less hustle and tendency for burnout.

Retrogrades also encourage us to adopt a mindset of empowerment, rather than feeling like a victim to the cosmos and the planetary energies of any given moment. They remind us that we have the choice to rise above chaos and stay grounded when things donโ€™t go as planned, and to not to take ourselves or our work too seriously. 

And as an entrepreneur, retrogrades have become a vital element of my own cadence or rhythms in business. They carry with them a slower tempo, a window of intentionality. They interrupt the grind and take us back to the drawing board to refine and re-attune to our vision and mission. 

Retrograde Medicine & Alchemy Defined

Alchemy is defined as, โ€œa seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination.โ€

Alchemy is medicine. Itโ€™s transmutationโ€”turning sh*t into gold. And boy, do retrogrades have the power to activate our inner alchemist! 

Here are 5 mindset shifts you can adopt to start alchemizing retrograde messes into magic: 

  • โ€œWhy is everything going wrong?โ€ โžก๏ธ I choose to see each breakdown as a portal for my next breakthrough. When miscommunications, tech snafus, or snags in my plans arise, I see them as opportunities to repair what was already bubbling up beneath the surface, in need of my attention. Itโ€™s all happening FOR me, not to me. 
  • โ€œThis is so stressful.โ€ โžก๏ธ If my plans are coming undone, itโ€™s because they needed to. Behind every stressful reroute is a better, easier, more aligned path. This is my reminder to slow down and do less. 
  • โ€œIt feels like the Universe is attacking me.โ€ โžก๏ธ Iโ€™m in on the cosmic joke. Itโ€™s not that deep! I donโ€™t have to internalize retrograde mishaps or make them mean anything about me or my Divine Path. The Universe is always conspiring in my favor. 
  • โ€œI hate the chaos. Why canโ€™t things feel calmer?โ€ โžก๏ธ  I am chaos and I am calm. Both can co-exist, and I never give my power away to situations or interactions that feel chaotic. This is just a transit; this too shall pass. 
  • โ€œI feel so out of control. WTF?โ€ โžก๏ธ I know how to regulate my nervous system when things go haywire. I trust that the Universe is always helping me move towards progress and evolution, even when the journey there isnโ€™t linear. When I surrender to the things I canโ€™t control, I become even more powerful at co-creating my own beautiful life. 

And of course, having a high-vibe community and magical resources are vital for helping you thrive during any challenging transit. ๐Ÿ˜‰