The “Rx” October 14-20: What the final Supermoon of 2024 has in store for YOU 🌝

The “Rx” October 14-20: What the final Supermoon of 2024 has in store for YOU 🌝

Written under a Libra Sun and Pisces Moon, holding space in our hearts for those affected by Hurricane Milton (click here for resources and info on how to support) ❤️. 

As we embark on the final stretch of Libra season, the celestial landscape continues to be a whirlwind of intense energy 😵‍💫. Fresh off  the transformative eclipses and the deepening influence of Pluto in Capricorn, the sky is now set for a fiery and passionate Full Moon in Aries. This lunar event, the fifth and final supermoon of 2024, promises a potent mix of passion, assertion, and potential conflict.

While the Full Moon can bring a surge of enthusiasm and drive, it’s essential to approach this energy with mindfulness and self-awareness. Accompanying placements, including Mars in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn, can also intensify emotions and trigger underlying power struggles. All of that to say, this is a really great time to take good care of your nervous system ❤️‍🩹. 


Pisces Moon days can be a time of heightened sensitivity and intuition, inviting us to delve into our emotions and allow ourselves to feel deeply. It’s a perfect opportunity to cry, express ourselves creatively, or simply allow our emotions to flow freely. However, the Pisces Moon is also connected with Saturn, which can create a sense of constriction or blockage around our emotions. This combination may make it difficult to express ourselves openly or feel truly free. To counteract this energy, try listening to music, painting, dancing, or engaging in other creative activities that allow you to release your emotions. Also ​​remember that the Libra Sun combined with the Pisces Moon can make us feel indecisive or flaky. To avoid misunderstandings, it’s important to be clear with our words and commitments!


As we inch closer to the Full Moon, the Aries energy brings with it a heightened sense of intensity and passion. Additionally, the Full Moon will be conjunct Chiron, so we may feel triggered and experience a resurgence of old wounds. However, beneath the surface lies a golden opportunity for healing and transformation. By facing our pain and confronting our triggers, we can uncover deep-seated issues and release limiting patterns and belief systems. We’ll be feeling the Full Moon’s influence all week, so it’s up to us to consciously harness this energy and use it for positive change. Instead of lashing out or burning out, we can channel our rage, frustration, and irritation into something productive and powerful.


The universe is really doing us a solid with this grounding energy following the Full Moon. Take advantage of the invitation to reconnect with our bodies and calm our nervous systems by engaging in physical activities such as gardening, art, or exercise. However, it’s important to be mindful of the double Venusian energy between the Libra Sun and Taurus Moon — this can lead to a desire for indulgence or escapism. While it’s okay to treat ourselves, it’s also important to avoid superficiality or shallowness in our decision-making.


As we round out the weekend, the Gemini Moon is bringing with it a welcome sense of lightness and airiness. This is a great time to connect with friends, socialize, and engage in mental stimulation. If you’ve been feeling stagnant or stuck following the Full Moon, today offers a refreshing change of pace. This is an excellent opportunity for resolution, harmony, and peaceful diplomacy. You may find it easier to communicate openly, find common ground, and engage in thoughtful conversations to seek compromise.

“The Aries Supermoon brings a surge of energy, encouraging you to step out of your comfort zone and pursue your goals with confidence. It’s a time to embrace your inner warrior, release what’s holding you back, and charge forward with renewed determination.”

Monday……. 🎨
Try your hand at watercolors or doing a paint-by-numbers project.

Do a guided meditation before bed for restful sleep.

Go for a long nature walk.

Perform a Full Moon ritual (and share it with us on IG @thecosmicrx).

Get outside and absorb some vitamin D for 15-20 minutes.

Make pancakes for breakfast (waffles count too!)

Gather some friends and find a local trivia night.

10/14: Sun square Mars

10/17: Venus enters Sagittarius

10/17: Full Moon in Aries

The Full Moon in Aries, happening on October 17th at 7:26 am EST, marks the culmination of a journey that began around the solar eclipse in Aries back in April, and provides us with an opportunity to reflect on the progress made towards self-discovery, authenticity, and personal empowerment (love that). However, the fiery nature of this Full Moon is tempered by its challenging relationship to Mars and Pluto— this combination can ignite feelings of frustration, irritation, and even rage (don’t love that). It’s crucial to remain grounded and avoid impulsive actions that might exacerbate tensions. To navigate this *ahem* intense energy, consider the following:

💞 Self-care: Prioritize your well-being by engaging in activities that help you relax and release stress. Exercise, meditation, and spending time in nature can be particularly beneficial.

🧘‍♀️ Mindfulness: Practice mindfulness to stay present and avoid getting caught up in emotional reactivity. Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings without judgment.

🗣️ Communication: Approach conversations with empathy and understanding. Avoid blaming or accusing others, and strive for open and honest communication.

🫸 Setting boundaries: Be mindful of your own needs and limits. Don’t hesitate to set boundaries to protect your emotional well-being.

🤔 Self-reflection: Use this time to reflect on your personal journey and identify areas where you may need to make changes.

Remember, the Full Moon in Aries is happening for you, not to you. By approaching this energy with awareness and intention, we can harness its potential to create positive change in our lives!