The “RX” October 7-13: October’s Cosmic Surprises 💫

The “RX” October 7-13: October’s Cosmic Surprises 💫

Written under a Libra Sun and Sagittarius Moon, keeping an eye out for some high-profile, cosmic accountability, as Pluto finally stations direct in Capricorn (for the last time in our lifetime) 👀. 

♎️ This week, the cosmos presents us with the opportunity to slow down and integrate the profound impact of the Libra solar eclipse that occurred last week .

🌑 This eclipse (the last Libra eclipse until 2033), served as a powerful catalyst for change, igniting a ripple effect throughout our lives. While the month of September was marked by a few intense transits, October promises to continue delivering significant cosmic surprises.

⚡️ As we continue to navigate this electrifying period, let’s pay close attention to some outer planet activity that will unfold in the coming weeks. Jupiter, the planet of expansion and growth, will station retrograde on October 9th, while Pluto, the planet of transformation, goes direct in Capricorn for the final time on October 11th, before entering Aquarius for the next 11 years.


At the top of this week, we are encouraged to embrace optimism, inspiration, and a broader perspective on life 🤩. Sagittarius energy invites us to step outside of our comfort zones, explore new ideas, and seek out experiences that ignite our passion and curiosity. Whether it’s through yoga, meditation, or simply spending time in nature, this week is an ideal opportunity to connect with our inner vision and cultivate a sense of joy and optimism! The combination of a Libra Sun and a Sagittarius Moon can create a playful and sociable atmosphere. While this energy may encourage us to indulge in a little fun, it’s important to maintain a sense of balance and mindfulness — it’s wise to be cautious about excessive spending or risky behavior. Remember, living in the moment doesn’t mean disregarding future consequences. By pausing to reflect before making decisions, we can ensure that our actions align with our long-term goals.


With a Libra Sun and a Capricorn Moon combo, we are presented with a powerful opportunity for initiation and action. The cardinal energy of both these signs encourages us to take the first steps toward our goals, overcome procrastination, and embrace a sense of renewed purpose. As Pluto stations direct in Capricorn on Friday, we may also experience a surge of transformative energy. This transit can bring about profound changes and revelations, inviting us to delve deeper into our own power and potential. While the double-cardinal energy of these few days can be highly motivating, it’s important to be mindful of the tendency towards control. Pay attention to any signs of rigidity or a need to dominate situations. By consciously relaxing and allowing, we can create space for greater flexibility, creativity, and connection with others 😌.


Under an Aquarius Moon, we are encouraged to connect with our social circles and stimulate our minds 🤓. Embrace intellectual pursuits, engage in meaningful conversations, and nurture your relationships with others — whether it’s attending a social gathering, joining a club, or simply engaging in stimulating conversations, this week is an ideal time to connect with like-minded individuals and expand our social network! While the air energy of Aquarius can be invigorating, it’s important to maintain a sense of groundedness. The recent eclipses may have left us feeling ungrounded or overstimulated, so take time to recharge, practice mindfulness, and ensure that your physical and mental needs are met.


As the week comes to a close, we are guided by the gentle and compassionate energy of a Pisces Moon. This is a time to slow down, relax, and nurture our emotional well-being 💞Consider indulging in a soothing bath, listening to calming music, or spending time in nature. Engaging in creative activities or simply allowing ourselves to feel can be deeply restorative! The combination of a Libra Sun and a Pisces Moon encourages us to be mindful of our energy levels — it’s important to balance our giving with self-care. By taking time for ourselves, we can replenish our energy and avoid feeling depleted.

“How do you ensure your relationships stay strong when you’re juggling cosmic alignment, creative passion, and personal growth? Here are three powerful pieces of advice I have learned or read over the years that really changed the game for me and my clients.”

Do a guided meditation to get grounded at the top of the week.

Take a beginner’s dance class.

Organize your closet and start pulling out those cozy sweaters.

Plan out your meals for the rest of the week.

Finish your work to-do list so you can enjoy the weekend worry-free.

Try out a local run club.

Bake some cookies and have a cozy movie night.

10/9: Jupiter retrograde in Gemini

10/11: Pluto goes direct in Capricorn

10/13: Mercury enters Scorpio

As we begin to emerge from the eclipse portal, it’s time to reflect on the lessons learned and the profound shifts taking place within us. This eclipse, like any celestial event, is not a singular moment but, rather, a catalyst for ongoing transformation and reverberations that continue to shape our lives and influence our relationships, our perspectives, and our overall sense of self. 

In the coming days, Jupiter will station retrograde in Gemini, initiating a period of introspection and reevaluation. This retrograde cycle (lasting until February 4th) encourages us to slow down, reflect on our ideas, and perhaps even revisit some of our plans. Take this time to refine your communication skills, strengthen your relationships, and explore new perspectives. It’s also essential to remember the transformative power of Pluto as it stations direct on October 11th. This marks the end of a significant 16-year cycle that has challenged us to confront our deepest fears and embrace profound transformation. Pluto’s direct motion invites us to reflect on our journey, celebrate our growth, and step into a new chapter with renewed purpose and determination.

During this time of reflection and renewal, pay attention to the subtle shifts taking place within you. Notice any emerging patterns, recurring themes, and the insights that are surfacing from the depths of your subconscious — receive and embrace these revelations as opportunities for growth and transformation! And, as we approach the final weeks of Pluto’s transit through Capricorn, let us honor the journey we have undertaken. Acknowledge the challenges we have faced and the courage we have demonstrated. Celebrate the transformations we have experienced and the wisdom we have gained. In the coming weeks, the cosmos invites us to embrace the power of reflection, introspection, and renewal. Honor the transformative energies at play and step into a new chapter of our lives with courage, hope, and a renewed sense of purpose.