4 Ways to Use to Glamour Magic to Boost Your Confidence and Magnetism

4 Ways to Use to Glamour Magic to Boost Your Confidence and Magnetism

Glamour magic is a personal favorite type of spellwork for me. This magical practice goes far beyond material or physical appearance or perception, and it can have a powerful impact on the energy you exude (and therefore, the energy you attract). 

What is glamour magic, and why is it so cute?

In essence, glamour magic is a blend of psychology, ritual,intention, and energy work. Glamour magic practices help us tap into the feminine energetics of magnetism, aesthetics, and beautyโ€”regardless of your gender. 

By bringing intention and energetic charge to your beauty products, clothing, colors, or accessories, glamour magic can help you embody more confidence and joie de vivre, claim and amplify your desires and manifestations, and even shift your energetic state so you can become a vibrational match for what you want to call into your experience. 

Plus, itโ€™s just fun! Glamour magic has helped me reclaim my girlhood and embrace my inner childโ€™s desire to play dress up, make magical potions, and role play as the princess in any room. 

Letโ€™s get into it. 

4 Glamour Magic Practices & How They Work

As with any Cosmic Rx, we encourage you to take any ideas or suggestions that feel good for you and make them your own! 

#1: Work With Color

Different colors have different energetic and psychological associations and can influence emotions, perceptions, and even behaviors. Choosing to incorporate different tones and shades into your wardrobe, nail or hair color, or even makeup selections can help you embody those desired feelings and frequencies! 

If you want to feel more confident and bold, you may choose to wear more red or black. 

If youโ€™re in your spiritual healing era, you might feel drawn to shades of purple, blue, or green. 

You can also feel into your own personal associations with different colorsโ€”what feels like a power color to you? Wear that! 

#2: Enchanting Beauty Products

The products we put on our skin or physical bodies also impact our energy body or aura. Before applying your favorite mascara, blush, or perfume, call to mind your intention for how youโ€™d like to feel or the energy you want to exude (e.g. allure, charisma, unconditional love). 

Visualize that product being infused with your intention, and feel it sink into your skin as you apply it. Depending on the product, you can also add essential oils, like rose for love or patchouli for grounding, to enhance the effect. 

#3: Accessorize to Magnetize 

Your accessories carry more power than simply being tools for expressing your personal style. Choose jewelry, hair pieces, and handbags that represent the kind of energy you want to embody. You can, of course, also incorporate crystals or gemstones that have spiritual significance for you.

Whether this means adorning yourself with your grandmotherโ€™s garnet necklace for confidence and grounding, or wearing pearl hair pins for grace and love, choose your accessories as amplifiers for your intentions. 

#4: Archetype Play and Dressing for the Vibe You Want

Your clothing choice matters! And truthfully, itโ€™s less about how you want others to perceive you, and more about how you want to perceive you – AKA, how do you want to feel? As a work-from-home entrepreneur baddie, I love a leggings and t-shirt moment as much as the next girl. But when I know I have a day full of meetings or big projects to work on, I want to feel alert, focused, confident, and powerful. 

Even putting a sexy little top on over my leggings or sporting a comfy sundress can help me feel more โ€œput together,โ€ and this definitely impacts the way I work.

You can also channel different archetypes through clothingโ€”like wearing flowy, natural fabrics to embody the psychic intuitive, or funky patterns and textures to call in the creatrix. 

Own Your Magic