New Moon in Leo Message For Your Sign

New Moon in Leo Message For Your Sign

The Leo New Moon on August 4th at 7:13 AM EST is set to ignite your inner fire ๐Ÿ”ฅ. This New Moon lands at 12 degrees Leo, so look to that degree in your chart for clues about where this energy will impact you the most. Expect a surge in passion, creativity, and self-confidence.

Venus, the planet of love and beauty, is also in Leo during this time, amplifying the romantic and creative vibes. We’re emerging from the shadow of the Capricorn Full Moon, where we released and reclaimed our power.

Now, it’s time to bask in the warmth of Leo’s self-expression. Imagine this as a golden opportunity to plant seeds for the next six months. Where do you want to shine brighter? How can you step into your authentic self? 

6 Ideas to make the most of this Leo New Moon

1.ย Express yourself!

  • Artistic Activities: Engage in activities that allow you to express yourself creatively. This could be painting, drawing, writing, dancing, or playing music. Let your inner artist shine without judgment.
  • Journaling: Write about your passions, dreams, and what makes you feel alive. Reflect on your desires and goals for the upcoming lunar cycle.

2.ย Focus on Self-Confidence

  • Positive Affirmations: Practice daily affirmations that build your self-esteem. Remind yourself of your unique strengths and qualities.
  • Dress for Success: Wear outfits that make you feel confident and powerful. Embrace bold colors and styles that resonate with your personality.

3.ย Move

  • Dance: Dancing is a fantastic way to embody Leoโ€™s fiery energy. Put on your favorite music and dance like no oneโ€™s watching.
  • Exercise: Engage in a workout that makes you feel strong and empowered, such as yoga, weightlifting, or a high-energy cardio session.

4.ย Pamper Your Self

  • Spa Day: Treat yourself to a spa day at home. Take a luxurious bath with essential oils, give yourself a facial, or enjoy a relaxing massage.
  • Hair and Skin Care: Leo is associated with the sun and hair, so take extra care of your hair and skin. Try a new hairstyle or indulge in nourishing treatments.

5.ย Foster Social Connections

  • Celebrate with Loved Ones: Leo loves to be the center of attention and enjoys socializing. Plan a gathering with friends or family, or attend an event where you can shine.
  • Express Gratitude: Take time to appreciate and acknowledge the people in your life who support and uplift you. Send a heartfelt message or give a small gift to show your gratitude.

6. Set Intentions

Vision Board: Create a vision board that reflects your aspirations and dreams. Use images, words, and symbols that inspire you and align with your intentions.

New Moon Ritual: Perform a new moon ritual to set your intentions for the month ahead. Light a candle, meditate, and visualize your goals coming to fruition.

Remember, we’re in the midst of a powerful shift. The old ways are crumbling, and we’re being called to embrace a new reality. This Leo New Moon feels like a playful, colorful counterpoint to the intensity we’ve been experiencing. It’s an invitation to rediscover joy, pleasure, and your inner child. To harness this energy, try a little New Moon ritual โ€” reach out to someone you admire or someone you’ve been meaning to connect with. A bold move now can lead to exciting opportunities!

Check for your sun and your rising to see how and where your New Moon blessings are blooming from.

Aries: creativity, pleasure, magnetism, play & worthiness

Taurus: home, changes in living environment, family, security & stability

Gemini: communications, language, learning & broadcasting a message

Cancer: finances, self-worth, cash money & prosperity

Leo: authenticity, vibrancy, fresh starts & understanding your true magic

Virgo: spiritual healing, energy clearing & karmic completion

Libra: activism, altruism & aligned like-minded community 

Scorpio: career, purpose, public image & stepping in the spotlight

Sagittarius: publishing, higher truths, expansion & teaching/learning

Capricorn: intimacy, sensuality, rebirth and investments

Aquarius: romance, trust, sacred partnership & true love

Pisces: new routines, ritual, health & wellbeing